1. Administration.
The Stud Book & Statistics office will be administered by Club Hípico de Santiago S.A., and technical management will be undertaken by the Commission of Stud Book & Statistics.
2. Technical Direction.
The Commission of Stud Book & Statistics shall consist of one representative from each of the following institutions: Club Hípico de Santiago S.A.; Sociedad Hipódromo Chile S.A.; Valparaíso Sporting Club S.A.; Breeders Association; Owners Association A.G.; Circle of Owners A.G.; and Equine Development Directorate and Army Remount.
Members of the Commission of Stud Book & Statistics will last two years in their positions and appointed by the Boards of the institutions that represent.
These appointments will be announced on July 1st., to the Superior Council of National Racing.
The Commission appoints the President and Vice President, who shall be elected from among its members. Act as Secretary the head of Stud Book & Statistics Office.
The Commission shall meet at least once a month, and can sit with a minimum of three members and agreements will be adopted by a simple majority.
The costs involved in maintaining the office will, in excess of their own income, by Club Hípico de Santiago S.A.
3. Functions of the Commission.
The duties of the Commission are as follow:
- Ensure compliance with the regulations contained in this instrument.
- Failure cases whose resolution expressly entrusted the Racing Code of Chile.
- Set of technical standards which will be governed by, the three sections of the Stud Book & Statistics Office.
- Impose fines and penalties that they are responsible for the monitoring of breeding.
- To propose the Club Hipico de Santiago, the internal measures it deems necessary for the proper functioning of this service. And
- Recognize and maintain relations with foreign offices of Stud Books.
4. Organization.
The Stud Book & Statistics Office consists of three sections namely: Stud Book; Inspection of Nurseries and Statistics.
5. Stud Book & Statistics Office.
The section Stud Book & Statistics will detail the following records:
- Thoroughbred Reproduction Register
- Thoroughbred Foals Register
- Registration of ownership
- Registry and Breeding Stud
- Registry of Authorized Owners
- Trainers and Riders Registry
- Registrar of Authorized Societies
- Registration of Qualified Powers
In the record of racehorse ownership shall be registered domain translations, prohibitions, liens and encumbrances of any hindrance be it contractual, legal or judicial, hindering or limiting in any way the free right to transfer the racehorse.
The Stud Book & Statistics Office act on this matter in a manner similar to the Real State and his director or manager shall have the powers necessary to register, reject, modify or cancel any registration which are being poorly annotated or defective, acting as a minister of faith.
Without limiting the foregoing section, Stud Book will be responsible for documentation related to enrollment, pregnancy, identification, import and export of racehorses located in Chile, for what should be governed by the regulations to that effect issued Commission of Stud Book & Statistics.
6. Inspection of Farms.
The section of Inspection of Farms will be responsible for everything related to the identification of race horse, from birth in the case of those born in the country, or from entering in the case of imported horses. This section will be headed by the Inspectors of Nurseries, who act as a minister of faith and have sufficient powers to refuse registration of a product when in its judgment;it is not related to the breed standards or to comply with the requirements the laws of heredity. In any case, the refusal must be ratified by the Commission of Stud Book on the report of bureau chief.
The Statistics sectionshall be responsible for everything related to the records of breeding horses, horses in training, records of owners, trainers and jockeys, the stud farms and nursery, and in general any statistic that is useful for fans.
7. Register Reproductive.
Anyone interested in registering a stallion in the relevant register, must submit an application to which attached a copy of the filiation of the animal for which the registration is sought, plus a certificate of pedigree and race record, issued by the competent authority of the Stud Book. If the horse is a foreigner, it will replace the copy of affiliation by the Export Certificate issued by the authorities of the foreign Stud Book, provided it is recognized by the Stud Book of Chile.
Any registration of reproductive will be preceded by the payment of a fee to be determined annually by the Commission of Stud Book & Statistics. Females entered in the Register of Players through their entry with their respective dates covered in the declarations of mounts of the rights stallions and paid according to a preset table based on age and track campaign.Every horse to be played must have completed three years of age and must be enrolled in a recognized Stud Book.
8. Exceptions.
No registrations will be accepted in the Register of Players, in the following cases:
- Those which have been found doping supply until one year has elapsed from the date of establishment of the fact.
- Animals that do not have the statutory age
- Animals are not registered in a Stud Book recognized by the Stud Book of Chile.
- Those who have benefited from the payment of accident insurance.
9. Elimination of Player.
All breeding animal to be deleted, must be communicated in writing to the Office of the Stud Book by its owner accompanying a pedigree chart and descriptive to verify the identity of the animal, or failing that, by signing the owner's resume the player.
10. Declaration of Mounts.
Owners of stallions shall send the office of Stud Book, a statement of mounts or crosses made by their stallions specifying the name of the stallion, year season ride, registration number and name of each mare covered, indicating the dates of first and last heat of each month, and finally the name and signature of the owner of the stallion.
A mare can be covered by two different stallions in the same season, but in such case, will be mandatory, required to apply a range of at least 30 days between the last service of the first stallion and the first service of the second stallion. This interval will be strictly observed to avoid questionable paternity. Still, the Stud Book Office ordered DNA typing and perform paternity testing of all products.
11. Statutory deadline for statements of mounts.
The statutory deadline for filing will be from the end of the services until January 15 next. For the cover in the northern hemisphere or first half, the statutory deadline will be from the end of the services until July 15 next.
Failure to meet statutory deadlines shall be punished by a fine of 4 UF for the first month of delay, and with 8 UF for the second month of delay. After March 15 following the season the Stud Book Office will not accept return of mounts and the breeder shall submit an application to the Commission of Stud Book, who, in the reasons of the delay, reject or accept the special fine determined in each case. The fines will be set annually by the Commission of Stud Book, expressed in UF or fractions there of as the case.12. Fees for Declarations of Mounts.
The owner of a stallion will pay a fee for each mare declared on the list of mounts, within 30 days of submission of the statement. The Stud Book Office require the signature of the owner of the stallion in the declaration to the concerned returning the copy stamped with date of receipt.
Non-payment of the fees within the deadline stipulated shall be punished by a fine of 1 UF for each 30 days late.13. Products Registry.
For a product to be eligible for registration in the Stud Book, shall be the product of the physical and natural cross between a stallion and a mare, both registered in a recognized Stud Book.
It strictly forbids any practice other than natural service, be it artificial introduction of semen into the vagina of the mare or artificial insemination, or by embryo transfer or cloning. The transgression of this international Standard, shall be punished by the exclusion of the breeder and all their animals of the national registries.
In this Registry of Products, will be registered the thoroughbred horses born in the country, using a form provided for that purpose for the Stud Book Office in which shall contain the following data: Sex, coat color, date of birth, name of father, mother and maternal grandfather, the signs such individual how hairs swirls, spots or white spots and finally drawing such signs in graphic form. It is a requirement that the mother has previously figured in the statement ride a stallion, duly registered in the Stud Book and registration will be conformed later when paternity has been proven through DNA testing done by the approved laboratory.
For foreign-born products, will be required an Export Certificate, a Pedigree Certificate, a DNA Certificate of the foal and his parents, a race record Crtificate and Passport, issued by the Stud Book Authorities of origin, which will be recognized by the Stud Book of Chile.
14. Statutory deadline for registration of products.
Applications for registration of products should be presented in the Stud Book office, before January 15, following birth.
For those born in the country during the first semester or season in the northern hemisphere, the deadline of submission of application is within 30 days of age. An application for registration shall pay a fee within 30 days of filing of the application. Non- payment of the registration fee within the prescribed period, shall be punished by a fine of 1 UF for each 30 days late.Failure of the regulatory deadline shall be punished by a fine of 1 UF for each product after the January 15, and 2 UF for each product after February 15.
After March 15, the Office of Stud Book inscriptions, cannot accept products, and the breeder shall submit an application to the Commission of Stud Book, an organization that addressed the reasons for the delay, reject or accept the request with the special fine determined in each case.15. Registration of imported on belly.
To register a product imported foreign mother womb, shall require a certificate of covers of the mother, issued by the competent authorities of the Stud Book of origin, indicating the name of the stallion and the dates of the covered.
16. Rejection of Product Registration.
It rejected an application for product registration in the following cases: a) When the mare has not been included in a statement ride a stallion registered; b) When an imported mare does not have the certificate of mounts; c) When the date of birth is unrelated to the normal period of gestation of the mare, this is eleven months and (+/-) fifteen days; and d) When the application is filed after March 15, exceeding or within thirty days of age for calves born during the first semester or season in the northern hemisphere.
17. Endorsement of Registration.
he registration of a product will be recorded in the Stud Book of Chile on behalf of the owner who registered the mare at the time of the birth of the offspring. An application for registration shall be ratified as final product, when the Stud Book’s inspectors has been carried the identification of the product at the foot of his mare and obtained a paternity test by DNA system.
18. Registration of Imported Racehorses.
The racehorses born abroad shall be recorded in the Stud Book of Chile, by presenting the following certificates: Certificate of Exportation, Certificate of Pedigree, Certificate of Race Record, and Certificate of Parentage (DNA). Documentation must be complete and authenticated by the Authorities of the Stud Book of origin.
The importer or authorized agent, shall immediately of the arrival of imported animal and its location, to the office of the Stud Book de Chile, who sent an Inspector of the Stud Book to verify the identity of the horse correspond to what is stated in the foreign Certificate of Exportation.
The deadline to register such horses shall be sixty days from the arrival in the country. Registration in the Stud Book of Chile, will be registered in the name of the person or company, listed as owner or consignee in the relevant foreign export certificate. Any change in ownership will be done through a domain transfer, duly filed with the Stud Book of Chile.
In the case of temporary importation of foreign horses that come to the country to participate in an international career, will within 24 hours before the race to present the necessary documentation for registration in the Stud Book of Chile to allow verifying the identity of animals. If this deadline not be met, by reasons of force majeure, the Stud Book registers the foreign horses on a temporary, ordering the withholding of any award obtained until the registration is formalized with official documents, no later than ten days, after the what, the Stud Book order cancel the participation of foreign horses and awards that have been obtained.
In the case of breeding horses, come for a period less than nine months, will require only a passport according with international standards.
19. Sanctions.
The entry of a horse with false information or documents, impersonation of a horse and all guile with which it is intended the good faith of the Stud Book & Statistics office, will be sanctioned by the Supreme Council of Horse Racing, on the report of Stud Book Committee according to the following provisions:
- Horses that have been subject to fraud will be removed from the records and recorded in the Book of Forfeit.
- People who are found guilty in the underlying investigation will also be inscribed in the Book of Forfeit to the exclusion of all horse racing activity. Other persons found to be involved will be punished with fine, which shall specifically for the case the Supreme Council of Horse Racing.
- If the perpetrator of fraud regardless of race horse owner, these too will be recorded in the Book of Forfeit, although registered in whole or in part to its name, these horses cannot take part in public careers in the country or abroad. Nor shall the person concerned, transfer or dispose of in any animals owned, or percentages, while the respective process is pending.
20. Name Registration.
At the time of requesting registration of a domestic product, the applicant shall propose the name he wishes to give, giving several alternatives for each product, which also can be registered without a name, in which case the Stud Book will record how NN indicating the year of birth and mother’s name of the product.
The Stud Book office will review the alternatives bearing in mind the following rules:
- A name cannot be usenot when matches another previously registered as in effect on the record.
- The Stud Book Office will not accept names that apply to horses entered in the Register of
Players, when they have important offspring, or names of stake winners, or names that are registered in the International List of Protected Names.
- The Stud Book office avoid where possible, names whose spelling or pronunciation are similar to names previously registered, how also, names of famous horses foreign.
- The International List of Protected Names will be strictly observed, and may not be repeated any name on it.
- The Stud Book Office will prevent names that are inappropriate, offensive or simply inconvenient in the opinion of the office, which is empowered to act ex officioby the department head.
- Not be accepted names corresponding to names of people or characters from public figuration, whether nationals or foreigners.
- Product names should have a maximum of 18 characters or spaces, for practical reasons publishing career programs and computer.
- No prefixes or suffixes are added acceptable to the names, nor initials or numbers.
- Names will be accepted in any language, requiring always the correct spelling.
21. Foreign Name Registration.
The names of foreign horses imported into the country, that are equal to that of a domestic product, will be distinguished by the addition in Roman numerals, eg., I, II, III, IV, etc.
22. Change of Names.
The name of a horse registered in the Stud Book, may be changed once and provided it is done before entering public career. The change should be requested only by the animal owner, who must sign the application form. The names of the foreign horses cannot be changed, unless permission is obtained from the Stud
Book of origin and that this practice records of such change.Finally, do not accept the name change to a horse entered in the Register of Players.
Any change of name will pay a right established annually by the Commission of Stud Book. Be exempted from this payment the owners of new products acquired first.
23. Breeders.
There will be two categories of farms:
- a) The Haras, is that permanent establishment engaged in farming and has a minimum staff of a stallion and ten mares, with adequate staff to care and handling of these types of horses and the necessary facilities in buildings, how in pastures under ideal conditions to keep the number of horses available to it. The Haras category, may be registered by any person, natural or legal, justifying to the Stud Book Office, the conditions required by a registration form that will provide the same office and is entitled to use a fancy name for what is recognize the establishment. This registration shall pay a duty imposed by the Commission of Stud Book.
When a registered owner of Haras, want to change the name to its establishment, pay back the right set. - b) BreedingFarm, is oneestablishment registered under the name of a person or company, which basically has the facilities similar to those of Haras but does not have the requirement for provision of certain horses. This type of establishment is also registered on a special form by a fee established by the Commission of Stud Book and has no right to use a fancy name.
25. Duties of the Breeder.
Shall be the duty of every breeder to take the necessary measures to facilitate the work of animal identification to the Inspectors of Stud Book, they need to have the staff necessary to make possible the individual review of each horse, under housekeeping such as to allow full identification of the breeding horses.
The annual review will practice the Inspectors of Stud Book, begin with the presentation of the stallions, and then be presented one by one the mares with foals, after that, the empty mares and finally, the yearling products separate males from females.
The inspection shall be carried out in clear and flat place as possible, must be present only one horse at a time, keeping the rest waiting their turn in stables, in order to avoid confusion.
If a breeder does not comply in whole or in part with the provisions of this Article, the Inspector is authorized to grant a period of two days or more according to their ability to stay in the area, having returned on the agreed date with the breeder, but in no case will the inspection under conditions other than those established in these regulations.
If even the second visit, the breeder does not meet the minimum requirements, the Inspector not performs the inspection and report immediately to the Office of Stud Book &Statistics which sanctioned the breeder with a fine equal to the value of the inspection or in case of recurrence, with the rejection of registration of their products.
26. Breeder Definition.
For statistical purposes, shall be considered as a breeder, the breeder-owner of the mare to the birth date of the product. Exception to this is the fact that a product remains up to one year of age at the registered Haras where he was born, in which case, the latter will be considered the breeder of the product.
The quality of breeder may be transferred provided that the following requirements:
- That the assignment is made between breeders registered in the Stud Book.
- That the transferor has the quality of breeder recognized by Stud Book.
- That the transfer is notified in writing to the Office of the Stud Book indicating there in the history of horse breeding as desired yield.
27. Breeder Reports.
Breeders should submit a written report every six months which will account for the deaths or deletions occurred, abortions, birth of twins, not covered mares, the mares empty, in short of developments occurred in the period that is relevant to the maintenance of records of Stud Book.
28. Genetic Laws.
According to the laws of genetics by crossing parents of coat color chestnut, necessarily produce a product in that color, and in the case of a grey or roan product, must necessarily have a parent in the same coat color. Therefore the Stud Book will reject any entry that violates these laws.
29. Identification.
Correspond to the Inspection of Nurseries identifying any race horse domestic or foreign, through the affiliation graphic and descriptive, while requiring compliance with various regulations related to the breeding of horse racing. This service will be attended by inspectors appointed by the Stud Book Commission, by authorized veterinarians and staff as may be required to supervise the activities of the national breeding.
30. Inspection Fees.
Every breeder will pay an annual fee intended to cover costs demanded by the inspection of farms and stud farms, fee set annually by the Commission of Stud Book and Statistics.
31. Electronic Microchip.
The Stud Book of Chile has ordered the use of radio frequency microchip Destron-Fearing brand backed by international standards ISO 11784 and ISO 11785, which will import exclusively managed by the Stud Book. It establishes the mandatory use of microchip how a system of support for graphic-descriptive identification of racehorses in the country, which must be implanted in the stud and breeding by the inspectors of the Stud Book.
At racetracks, will be the official veterinary clinics, the only entities authorized to implant the microchip, which will be provided by the Stud Book, these entities will be responsible for issuing a written report stating the horse characteristics verified through the ID card of the horse with bar code for the microchip, which will be communicated immediately to the Stud Book Office, for ratification and entry in the register of products.
In the case of imported horses without microchip, they must be presented to the veterinary clinic of the respective racetrack, entity which will confirm the identity of the horse first, comparing it with their identity card, and proceed to implant checking before it is not implanted with a microchip.
If an imported horse enters a stud farm, will be the inspection of nurseries in charge of the implant. The cost of the microchip but the implant will be borne by the owner of the horse.
People may intend to adulterate the microchip or operation or mislead in any way the good faith of the Stud Book office, shall be punished with the penalty of forfeit by the Superior Council of the National Racing on the report of the Commission of Stud Book.32. Stud Book Fees.
The Stud Book Committee shall fix annually the amount of the duties listed below:
- Registration in the Register of Stallions
- Registration of a mare in the Register of Reproductive
- Statement mounts of a Stallion
- Product registration born in the country
- Change of Name of a horse
- Characterization of microsatellite (DNA)
- Registration of imported product.
- Certificate of Exportation
- Certificate of Race Record
- Certificate of Pedigree
- Domain certificate
- Haras inspection
- Domain transfer
- Nickname and colors
- Registration of Haras and breeding stables
- Change of Nickname and colors
- Copy of affiliation
- Microchip implant
33. Exportation.
To export a purebred horse, the owner or its authorized agent must obtain the following documents:
- Affiliation to process export. This document is issued by the Inspectors of Stud Book, with the hair or blood samples necessary for the parentage test, as it has not been practiced before.
- A copy of the affiliation to process export will be presented by the applicant to the Stud Book office, along with the samples, if any, obtained from the animal for verifying the identity of the animal to be exported.
- Be sought from the Office of the Stud Book, export certificates, pedigree, race record, DNA certificate and passport. Documents that will be sent directly by Stud Book to the authorities of the Stud Book of destiny.
- A domain transfer of the animal to be exported shall be conducted in the Stud Book office on behalf of the foreign consignee or indicate that the animal will be registered in the name of the current owner in the Stud Book of destination.
- The Stud Book Office shall, at the time of shipment, the necessary measures to ensure the identity of the horse to embark with the one for which authorization is requested for export.
- If a horse regardless exported without the documentation described above, it cannot subsequently be granted, unless the horse back to the country.
34. Castration and death.
When practicing castration of a horse or when there is death or removal, the owner and his trainer will have a statutory obligation to notify the Stud Book office within 30 days. Failure to comply with this obligation shall be punished by a fine equivalent to 25 UF.
Notwithstanding the above provision, the vet-track reported every 15 days a list of all or part geldings and deaths identified by the service.
35.Racecourse Provinces.
The provincial racetracks must verify the identity of all the animals on their premises or from other racetracks, through graphic and descriptive affiliation. This affiliation will be obtained through Internet or otherwise shall be sought from the Stud Book Office. It is the responsibility of each racetrack to fully identify all thoroughbreds before authorizing their participation in races.
36. Official recognition of racecourses provinces.
For a provincial racecourse is officially recognized, this is so that the results of their races are published in the Racing Calendar of Chile, must comply without reservation to the provisions of this Regulation particularly as regards The Register of Owners, the Register of Professionals (Trainers and Riders) and Register of Thoroughbreds.
Not recognize any racecourse province not strictly comply with this rules, subject to the sanctions that the Superior Council of Racing deem appropriate.
37. Statistics.
The Stud Book & Statistics Office, take detailed reason for the races and prize amounts won by the owners, trainers, jockeys, horses, stallions, grandsires, and stud farms. The Office also takes care of the following publications and records:
- Racing Calendar. Annual publication with all race results from January 1st., to December 31 and the annual statistics mentioned in the preceding paragraph. It also published a supplement to the volume of Stud Book with the horses entered for the calendar year.
- The Stud Book is published every three years and will contain all the players and their offspring during the three years covered by the publication, exports recorded in the period, the shift register of names, maternal grandparents, the stallions and generally any other developments in reproduction. The publication will be printed, or CDs or on line at the Web page for the Stud Book of Chile.
38. Racecourses communications.
The Stud Book & Statistics Office, communicate weekly to the racetracks, domain transfer of horses, name changes, new studs, the category changes of trainers and jockeys, and in general any new records administrative proceedings affecting the racetracks.
39. Communications of the racecourses.
The racecourses must submit to the Stud Book & Statistics Office, within 24 hours after each race meeting all race results and data related to statistics. In turn, the Stud Book & Statistics office shall provide the Superior Council of Racing and recognized racetracks, background information that they request.
40. Fines.
The Commission of Stud Book and Statistics, shall fix of any fines that must be applied in accordance with this Regulation and shall publish annually in the Racing Calendar.
41. Faculties.
All penalties provided for in these rules shall be applied by the Commission of Stud Book & Statistics, except the entry in the book of forfeits, which will be exclusive power of the Supreme Council of the National Horse.
42. Paternity Test.
The Stud Book of Chile, keep an agreement with a laboratory approved by the Commission of Stud Book & Statistics to develop and maintain a program typing thoroughbred horses, based on the international identification how will remain system support to the identification through graphic and descriptive affiliation.
Inspection of Nurseries will be responsible for taking samples and implant microchips, through the Inspectors of Stud Book, who will act as ministers of faith.
The Stud Book Office maintains records of the results reported by the laboratory of all thoroughbred horses in the country or imported. There will be a paternity test every horse for which registration is sought. The costs involved shall be borne by the owner of the horse or failing, the person interested in obtaining this certification of paternity.
43. Verification of paternity.
The Commission of Stud Book & Statistics shall issue a routine procedure for the implementation and verification of paternity testing blood or hair test, which shall be considered as reserved.
44. The Book of Forfeits and Suspensions.
According to the Racing Rules of Chile, the Stud Book & Statistics office is responsible to hold and keep the books for the annotation of these types of sanctions, which shall publish annually in the Racing Calendar.
Sanctions forfeit, will be recorded in the corresponding book, when applied and reported by the appropriate authority under the Rules of Racing of Chile.
In the Book of Suspensions, shall be recorded only those with a maturity of less than three months and whose registration has been requested by the appropriate authority.